Arlee Junior High Announcements
September 19th, 2024
Breakfast Today: Omelets, Biscuit w/Jelly, Red Apples, Milk
Lunch Today: TaterTot Casserole, Green Beans, Blueberries, Tea Rolls, Milk
Breakfast Tomorrow: Cereal, Yogurt, Hard Boiled Egg, Granola Bar, Sliced Apples, Milk
Lunch Tomorrow: Egg Rolls in a Bowl, Broccoli, Mandarins, Milk
Subs today: Mrs. Fleury for Mr. Hill
Early Out today! Have a fun, safe weekend.
Midterm today!! Get your missing work in!!
Good luck Cross Country tomorrow in T-Falls and Volleyball on Saturday in Charlo!!
Work hard and leave it all out there. 🍀🏃🏐
Sports pictures will be next Wednesday 9/25/24 after school!
Just a reminder with the rain ☔
Please wipe your feet when coming in from outside and try to stay out of the mud. Thank you!
A message from Piper:
This year we have revamped packages! I’ve built three new main packages to choose from based off of what seemed to sell the best in the previous years. Now digital files are included in two of the packages! On single products, some prices have increased, but some have also decreased or stayed the same. Look for new items in the list like drink tumblers, metal ornaments, and calendars!
The most exciting thing this year is that I will be combining student and sport galleries. What does that mean? All of the photos I take of your child at Arlee will be under one private gallery for your child. When you log in to look at your child’s pictures, by the end of the year you will see their student id portrait, their individual sport picture, any team photos they are part of, and their class picture in one single link. No more chasing a dozen links!
Shipping prices have been the biggest pain point in the previous years. So after each event, I will set a deadline to submit your order online. The lab will then ship everything back in one bulk package. This means free shipping all year long as long as you order within the time frame set after each event. The prints will be delivered to the school and sent home with the students unless you choose drop shipping and pay the extra shipping fee. We’ll try it out and save everyone a little money in the process.
I hope that’s not too much information. Let me know what questions you have! I’m always hoping to improve the images and ordering system each year. From the bottom of my heart, thanks for keeping up with me and supporting me!
Here is a preview of the new prices and packages. You will get an email with your kiddo's photos and the free shipping deadline as soon as I have published them after picture day. 📸
This is your last chance for paperwork and
your fees so you can play!!
Fee and Paperwork-Robert, AJ, Rapoh, Tony, Bode
Fee-Kade & Pryce
Reminder-Grade checks for jh athletics are every Wednesday. If you have a failing grade, you will not be allowed to compete until you have a passing grade for the next Wednesday grade check.
Mrs. Adams wanted to thank everyone for being so polite in the morning. Your kindness and manners do not go unnoticed, keep up the great work Arlee Junior High!!
You are welcome to check out a lock for your locker in the office. Remember if you bring your own lock, Shelby will need your combination.
Coming up-
Picture Day 9/18/24
Q1 Midterm 9/19/24
Early Out 9/19/24
Flavors of Fall Event 9 am to 3 pm 9/21/24 @Ronan