A few reminders as we get ready to start school on Monday. Masks are required for all staff, students and visitors. A signed doctors note is required if a mask cannot be worn due to a medical condition. We have disposable masks on the buses and have purchased one school mask for each student that will be handed out on Monday morning in classes. We encourage students to have more than one mask. Students in grades 7-12 taking advantage of our remote learning will be able to pick up a Chromebook between 8:00-8:30am and 3:15 and 4:00 pm. If you are unable to pick up a device contact the school and we will have one delivered. We are working on a plan for meals to be delivered to our remote learners and hope to begin delivery no later than Monday, August 31st. Once again we appreciate your patience and understanding as we begin the school year.

Beginning of School Updates
September 14, 2020